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Annual Conference - 4 & 5 novembre 2021 - PARIS

du jeudi 04 novembre 2021 au vendredi 05 novembre 2021

Sustaining public confidence in our universities :

public affairs, impact and influence

Places are limited so register early to secure your place

Annual Conference - 4 & 5 novembre 2021 - PARIS

HUMANE is pleased to announce that our two day Annual Conference will this year be hosted by Collège de France in Paris, from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th November. The theme is Sustaining public confidence in our universities: public affairs, impact and influence.

Click here to view the full programme

Register early for what promises to be a lively event where all of our members can come together again to network as well as engage with one another around the topical theme of public affairs leadership and management.

Modifié le jeudi 30 septembre 2021