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HUMANE Annual Conference - Amsterdam - 12 au 14 juin 2024

du mercredi 12 juin 2024 au vendredi 14 juin 2024

University of Amsterdam, 12 to 14 June 2024 

The University of the future : People, values, organisation 

HUMANE Annual Conference - Amsterdam - 12 au 14 juin 2024

Governments, the general public and the private sector are looking to our universities to deliver for society. The demands have grown significantly, yet the capacity of universities to deliver is sometimes questioned. 

As a sector we need to enhance our brand and value proposition to regain public confidence and ensure operational sustainability.

In an age of major disruption and significant acceleration in digital transformation we need to make profound changes: invest in capital infrastructure; attract, develop and retain high skilled talent in a highly competitive labour market to pioneer innovative ways to teach and research.  

The Annual Conference will challenge our existing view of the Higher Education sector and stimulate discussion across a broad range of relevant areas :

- Developing new business and operating models to be more agile and creative as organisations.

- Embracing the opportunities presented by fast upscaling developments in Artificial intelligence.

- Designing more relevant, flexible, and value-oriented educational pathways for (lifelong) learners.

- Educating learners for the future labour market to address persistent talent and skill shortages.

- Leading as responsible civic contributors to our modern society.

- Driving societal change through thought leadership and ambitious research and innovation.

The full programme outline is available here. Full details about the Conference are available on our event page and you can register here to secure your place.

Modifié le lundi 12 février 2024